Sunday, August 4, 2013

Wet Suit Demo

Patti is in town to race me in the Emmett Tri. I have been chasing her for years but I am going try real hard to lead the pack this weekend. You know... just a little friendly competition : ) She wants to put a "little wager" on it, but I have not done that yet. 

We made a family day out of it. Mom, Lisa, and TJ came along. We stopped at the house for some lunch. It was an absolutely beautiful day.

Mom settled in for a little nap.

Lisa, TJ and I headed out for a little walk while we waited for Patti to get back from McCall.
She was "shopping".

Tristan saw this path and did not want to go down it because he thought there were bears down there. It was super cute!

When we got back he had a little snuggle time with Grandma.

It was super cute.

Then it was time to head to the lake.

A couple years ago, yes years ago, I got Tex a cool jet boat to take up to the lake. Well, Tex never opened it. So I opened it for Tristan. It was super fun!

Time for Patti to see what a lake swim is like...

Our swim was cut short due to Tristan running our of battery on the boat and then stubbing his toe on a rock. Funny thing was the toe quit hurting as soon as we started fishing : ) We "received" these earth worms for fishing and there was one specific worm that was so fat that I could not put him on a hook, so what did we do? We let him go : )

 Auntie likes to fish?

Nope, she was just holding the rod forr mommy : )

The evening was capped off by a fabulous dinner.
"Home Made, fall of the bone ribs, salad, and rice."
"Too bad the battery died on the camera"
Yum, Yum!

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