Sunday, March 8, 2009

Our fist softball practice...

So, today was supposed to be our first softball practice right? Sheree, Johnny, Tex and I all hurried down from Tamarack after breakfast specifically to get to practice. It was a beautiful drive all the way down, partly cloudy, a little chilly but not to bad. We had just enough time to unload the car and get to practice... just in time for this.


Well, the die hards showed up! Tex stayed home with Tristan. When I arrived Johnny & Sheree were the only one's there, Jules was not far behind and then came Kimmie.

Johnny, Jules and I were throwing the ball around and Sheree got out of the car only to take pictures for the blog!



Mashaide said...

I didn't know there was a practice planned. Do you still have room on the team? ~ Shaide

Lynnette said...

Shaide, This was co-ed, haven't planned a women's practice yet we are going to try next week.