Sunday, March 29, 2009

TJ's first trip to the ER.

Well, it has been a long week. Last weekend Tristan was a bit sick. He had a terrible case of Daria that got progressively worse. Monday he woke up uncharacteristically early, 6 am, crying, he was really poopy. I changed him but I used an outside light to see so I could try to keep him asleep. We fell asleep in the chair for a couple of hours before I got up to get ready for work.

After I left for work Tex called me and asked me if Tristan's penis was swollen? I said it was hard for me to see this morning but it was not last night. Tex told me it was bad and we made an appointment at his pediatrician. We met at the doctors office at 1050 am. The pediatrician sent us straight to the emergency room. With not much or a wait at the emergency room, the doctor told us that this is what happens when you do not do a circumcision. I said, sorry, he was circumcised!

When Tristan was circumcised I questioned a extra fold of skin that was left. When I told the doctor he said that could be the problem. He wanted us to take Tristan to a specialist later in the week. In the mean time we were to put a topical steroid on the affected area. You know, I just have to say, even through all of this TJ is a trooper! He is such a great baby! His demeanor is always happy go lucky, not to terribly fussy! We are so blessed!

Wednesday we took him to the specialist that said it is too early to tell if any corrective surgery is needed. The doctor did not have a reason for this other than it could have been a restriction or a virus. In the meantime she put him on a weeks worth of antibiotics and she want to see him in a month but he is doing much better now.

1 comment:

ang :o) said...

I'm glad he's doing better. That sounds awful!!!