Wednesday, May 20, 2009

First day in Hawaii

Well I would never advise taking a toddler on a 5 hour plane ride after he has already taken his nap and be locked in the window and middle seat by a cranky, old fart. It was about the fourth hour of the flight that Tristan began waving to us as if he were going some where. The only time we were aloud to get up was when the cranky old man decided he needed to use the Lu.

Once we arrived Patti picked us up at the airport and brought us two beautiful Lea's, which I did not think of getting a photo of??? Then it was off to the house to watch the final of American Idol. How the heck could they pick Kris anyway. I don;t think I would ever see his show but I will be first in line for Adam's! After Idol we were all off to bed as it was 1am Idaho time.

1 comment:

ang :o) said...

I completely sympathize with plane situation! Coming home from China we had a 21 month old that didn't even know us for 23 hours, including three layovers. Good times!