Sunday, May 24, 2009

Scenic Drive

Today started out early as Tristan is having a little trouble adapting to the time change... 2, 4 & 6. These are the times we got up during the night. I have not had to do that in months! Once we were all up we had breakfast and made a plan for the day. Tex and Tristan went out to the back porch to feed the bird. Dad & Sue did not have other plans today so we decided to drive north up the coast line. We had lunch at a cute little Mexican restaurant, then we continued up to Havive were the road ends at the beginning of the valley's. I had never taken this route and it was worth the drive. After we left we stopped on the way back to the highway and had ice cream at this cute little parlor. From there we went to Wiamea before we drove back home. Once home we had a wonderful steak dinner and then we sat and chatted around the table. Oh, did I mention that Tristan had a meltdown on the way home from Wiamea? Very unheard of so I thought that I would let you all know that he is human!

1 comment:

lisa said...

yes he is human and you can blame it on the time change to. poor tristan but i bet a fun time is had by all. wish i was there. love from idaho lisa