Saturday, August 2, 2008

Carmel Macchiato

I decided to visit the hospital early today because Lynnette arrived last night with Tristan and I wanted to give her a chance to visit with Len later in the day.
When I arrived Len was just about ready to go for PT. As we sat talking my phone rang. Len said "you need to answer that right away". It was Gail and while I was talking Len decided he wanted to talk to her so they had a lengthy conversation about what else"business".
Len's PT this morning included climbing stairs just using the railing and throwing a medicine ball back and forth. If that wasn't enough, he was then scheduled for his first outing. I think he was already tired by then but off we all went in the hospital Van to Barnes and Noble for a coffee. They had Len use a wheel chair because of the number of patients along. Len ordered his favorite, a Carmel Macchiato and enjoyed a real coffee for the first time in over a month. We were there about a half and hour and then he was ready to head back. "Just tell which way the van is so I can get there" or something like that. He'd had enough. I left him at his door and told him Lynnette would be there soon. "ok" he said. "I'll wait"
Here are a few photos of the facility and hey, Kona people look what is across the street.

Love and Aloha,

Santa Clara Medical Center Rehab center

Front of the Building
Look what is across the street

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