Monday, August 4, 2008


Quick update.....
I saw dad for dinner at his place tonight. We played a little tic-tac-toe.
He didn't win, even though he took two turns at a time! It was quite amusing,
he was giving me a little grief, so I gave it back to him. I wrote out an integral
(math/Calculus) and asked him to solve it. I also drew a common emitter
transistor amplifier for him to look at. I knew those would catch his attention.
He pushed the paper back to me & said... "I quit, I'm going to bed". It was
fun watching him concentrate though. We walked back to his room, sans
walker, wheel chair, only foot power. When he got up, I asked him to stand
up straight, & he said "I'm getting there". Sue showed me a picture of Dad
laying on a bench in the sun & Amy, his PT therapist, took him outside to
walk around the lawn. I am not sure if she made him take the stairs, but I'll bet
she did!

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