Sunday, July 20, 2008

Anoter Quiet Sunday

Has it already been a week since I last said this. Wow! Len was in a great mood today. He is moving his right leg more now and even pulled it up to rest his left leg on it. The Dr. continues to say Len is doing well. We visited until 3 today and are just about to leave again for our evening visit. Patti is departing tomorrow as she needed to catch an available flight back. Hopefully we will be right behind her. Got to run. I have a very cute husband to visit.

Love and Aloha,
Sue and Patti


Donnaste said...

Patti and Sue,

I've returned from my Ashram in Grass Valley where we sent countless "Oms" and good vibrations through the ether for Len (could you feel it?). I am feeling really, really good about him. Thanks for the encouraging news.


Katherine said...

WOW! Is Great! I love to here such encouraging updates. Let Len know Bob & Katie Loves him very much, And can't wait for the day he's on his way home with u Sue.
Love u and Aloha, Bob & Katie