Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lenny and Me

Lesa and I just returned from the rehab center and what a wonderful morning it was. When we got to Len's room he said"Oh good" and went into one of his business discussions. Lesa was able to sit in on one of his "discussions" for the first time and listen along with me. He is making more complete sentences now and was very alert. About 10:00 am his physical therapist arrived and got Len up and walking. His walker is in the room so she suggested that I could take him around the "block" when I am there so he gets even more exercise. Good idea. He seems to think better on his feet and really enjoys the walks. We went outside on the patio where he sat in one of the patio chairs and continued his business discussion with Amy(the therapist) sitting with his legs crossed in a very Len pose.
By the way, most afternoons now Len and I just lay on his bed and cuddle. It is a wonderful feeling to have Len put his arm around me once more. It is feeling more normal everyday.

Love and Aloha,

Lesa, Len and Amy

Len and Amy in deep discussion

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