Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Randy Pausch "Last Lecture"

Last night I was hanging out with my family and I happened to stumble across the show Primetime on CBS. The focus of the program was about a 47 year old man, Randy Pausch, who was dieing of pancreatic cancer. Many of you may have already heard his story, but if you have not you should Google his name and spend 11 minutes watching his "Last Lecture". It seems very appropriate for what we have going on in our life right now.

My dad has always taught me to live each day to the fullest and have no regrets. I live each day with this in mind. I can honestly say that if we would have lost my dad on that day in late June that I would have known that I told him everything that I needed to tell him. The great news is that we did not loose him! We may have a few "brick walls" along the way but he is still here and I thank God for that many times a day.

Here is to a man that did not have the opportunity to grow old with his family...

And here is to a man that I look forward to spending many more days with!

I love you dad!

P.S. ... are you a Tigger or an Eeyore?

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