Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A message from Italy

Patti and I arrived about midnight last night, we were able to get a little sleep and woke up when we heard Sue leave this morning. We were able to catch up with her and most of what we have found out here has been the same that everyone has already been informed of (no suprise there). Sue is doing well and was happy to see us.

This morning we went and informed the American Consolate. They seem to be very helpful and are going to assist in getting the police report and handling a number of the legal end of things. We are waiting now to go see dad for the first time. I feel so much more at peace now that I am here. I can't wait to see dad but I am scared to death! Sue has done a great job at preparing us on what we are going to see. I can't wait to be with him!

I will update later tonight.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers, they are working so keep it up!

We all love you!

Sue, Patti, & Lynnette

1 comment:

ang :o) said...

oh man you snot! you have me so emotional just knowing you'll cry when you see him. I have not stopped thinking about you guys. I'm grateful you made it there safely! Good luck.