Monday, July 21, 2008

Cappuccino and Dolce

I just returned from seeing Len and stopped for a coffee and Dolce at my favorite bar(see left). Patti left this morning around 10 am with all our luggage minus a few things that I am allowed to take on the air ambulance (don't know when yet). We hauled it down two flights of stairs and past the "ladies" to the taxi and she was off. I spent the rest of the morning standing in line at the Vodephone store to get more Euros put on my Italian mobile. While I was in there I noticed that they were selling the new iphone for you iphone buffs.
I stopped at the American Consulate to give a copy of my passport to Anna Maria and thanked her again and said goodbye(hopefully). After that it was off to the hospital to see Len.
He was sitting up again just like last night when I was there and he gave me a kiss and a smile. He was just waiting for me to untie the wrist straps so he could move around more. I got out the ipod and shared some of the messages that were sent yesterday. He loved the music that John sent and especially the one of Caleb doing his solo at the concert in the park. Uncle Len says hi Caleb. You did a great job on the music.
Dr. Datti(been on leave for 3 weeks) pulled me aside to ask if I had any questions. He said Len was progressing very well and was very active(yeah, I guess so since he has wrist straps, hello). He took me back to the room, walked up to Len and reached for his right hand to shake it. Len gave him this alert look and reached out to shake Dr. Datti's hand and realized he could not do that. Len turned that "Len" look on like" I'd like to shake your hand but I'm a little tied up here". The Dr. laughed at his error and then just took Len's hand and ask Len to squeeze it. Len did. Dr. also ask Len if he knew his name and Len said something like Len or Leonard. Clear as day. Pretty exciting. Watch out CA Rehab here comes Len!!!
We spent the rest of my visit just hanging out and listening to music. I wish I could leave the ipod with Len but don't think he would be able to shut if off, etc.
On my way back I felt so good that I took a few more pictures of the architecture here in Genoa.
Hope you enjoy.

Love and Aloha,

View of side street from walk down from hopital

part of the walk up Via XX Settembre after hospital visit

Closer look at mosaic work along Via Settembre

1 comment:

Lynnette said...


I am so glad that you got these pictures! The walks to the hospital are one's I will never forgot! These pictures will help me remember! I love you!