Saturday, July 26, 2008

I got photo tagged...

OK, this is very funny. So, I am trying to catch up on Angee's blog because it has been some time since I read it. I see that she got "tagged". I am thinking to myself... self, I am surprised Angee did not tag me. lol. then I get to the bottom of the blog and I see I did get tagged. So here we go!

Here is the concept. Take a picture of the following item's as they appear in your house currently. DO NOT PICK UP!

1) The Fridge- Tex just went shopping last night!

2) Our Closet- Me on the left, Tex on the right.

3) Our Toilet- Love the black, can't see it if it is dirty...but we keep it clean!

4) My favorite wall- Tristan's room with baseball pictures above the crib.

5) What my kids are doing right now - playing happily of course.

6) A self portrait - me laughing because Tex is standing behind me telling me what a dork I am.

7) Kitchen Sink - Clean dishes on the left, dirty on the right.

8) My favorite Shoe- Hawaiian Locals of course : )

9) The Laundry Room- Tex has this thing with laying out his clothes rather than drying them because he thinks they shrink every time! I love it because he does his own laundry!

10) My dream vacation-Anywhere with my family!

I am tagging Patti, M, Rachel, Shelly, & Tiffany. Have fun!

1 comment:

lisa said...

hi sis; how funny you are. that is so cute. love you always lisa xoxoxo