Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Pineapple and Pepperoni

"Lisa Welter,we gave Dad one of these!"

Lynnette left for home today and Patti and I have taken over the writing from Italy. We miss her already but know that she is still here with us.
Well, what a great day to take over the blog and an amazing day this was. As Patti and I were visiting Len and talking to him all of a sudden he broke out in a big smile. Not just a little one but a full blown smile. It took our breath away. We both said at the same time" Oh my gosh, he smiled." I have waited for such a long time for some sign that he heard us or recognized us. He also has both eyes open and looks all over as if to say" How the heck did I get here". He also lifted his hand like he wanted me to hold it and I finally knew he was back.
We are celebrating this small victory and walked back to the apartment on clouds. It may seem like such a small thing to some of you but to me and each one of the kids and grandkids, brothers and sisters it is something to celebrate.
In honor of Len, Patti and I decided to go have pizza as this is one of his favorites. We found a wonderful little Pizzeria and ordered. I decided to have Pepperoni and cheese. Just for fun I ask for pineapple(pineapple and pepperoni is Len's favorite) and you should have seen the look I got. Guess I won't be getting any pineapple on my pizza here. Oh and by the way, pepperoni in Italian is peppers. It was great.
Hope you are as thrilled as we are here in Sunny Genoa( As my friend Leslie reminded me, "the sun always shines where Len is"
Aloha, Sue

"You want what on your pizza?"


Mikie said...

Hi Ladies...the sun is shining here too in Murrieta. The tears of joy are falling upon my cheeks as I write. I am so happy to hear the update about Len. He has been in our prayers from the beginning and I feel like I have been along for the ride thanks to the blogs by all of your family. I will continue to pray for a speedy recovery and the kids and I will have a pep & pine pizza tonight in Lens honor. Please give yourselves a big hug from all of my family. Call anytime & know you are loved,

Barb Welter said...

Sue & Patti,I couldn't be happier to hear that Len is showing some response...I can't stop crying....I know how you have waited..all my love to the three of you. BARB

lisa said...

hi girls; i amso very glad and tickled to hear aabout dad i cryed when i read that it was happy tears for dad. kepp giving him hugs from me. hug each other for me to okay. i love you all so very much and hope that dad keeps improvements. my email bubby mama sweet (soyna sweet) said to say hi and that she is praying for us all and you in italy. love you lisa w. p.s. have pep&pine. pizza for me.

Heather Hunzeker said...

I am so thrilled to hear this good news! Keep the great updates coming! All of us here in eastern Idaho are thinking of you and your family! Love ya

Kelly Miles said...

Aloha, Sue and Welter Family.

What wonderful news! I took a while to process this to the point I could comment without crying. I get so caught up with my day to day life and forget what really matters - like the smile of someone you love. Thanks for sharing with us via the blog. I celebrate your good news in my heart.

Take care.
Kelly Miles

debsorrill said...

A smile, that's huge! That is the best news... thanks for letting us know. deb

Katherine said...

I truly think this blog is keeping so many of us in a close circle
Bob, Mary & I,gave a group hug & kiss, then finally wiped the tears from our checks. It's truly working keep up the prayers.
Love U All
Bob, Katie & Mary

Lynnette said...

And you guys said you were worried about posting! This is great! I love you all.
