Thursday, July 17, 2008

"It's Not Easy Being This Cool"!

So, this is the title on Tristan's shirt today, "It's Not Easy Being This Cool". Doesn't this sound like something dad would say? : ) Well, since Tristan started crawling while I was in Italy seeing dad I thought it was about time that I put it on the blog. As most of you know I began the blog when we adopted Tristan. Now that dad is getting better and we are trying to get to "normal" I thought I would start adding Tristan back into the blog. I know Steve is still sending out the updates via e-mail so I am sure the rest of you won't mind.


ang :o) said...

Ahhh! I can't believe he's actually crawling. Man they grow up fast.

Nicole Arnold said...

He is SO CUTE! I cannot believe how big he has gotten! Crazy how fast time flies and all the little milestones just keeping zooming by!!

lisa said...

boy that made me laugh so hard exspecially when buddy start to run infront of him the exspression on his face is so precious. love always lisa w.